Evaluation order of field initializers in JavaScript and TypeScript

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Photo by Ales Krivec

New side project: wilson

I’ve started working on a new side project called Wilson, which is an opinionated static site generator that is optimized for performance and has a small but well-chosen feature set that lends itself perfectly to build coding blogs and documentation sites.

I have chosen Preact, Vite, Unified and TypeScript as the technical basis for Wilson and I am slowly making progress.

Page sources and pages in Wilson

Wilson generates static pages from a number of source files, so-called page sources. There are different types of page sources, some of which generate exactly one page, some of which generate multiple.

Since the different types of page sources share some basic functionality, I decided to implement them as part of a class hierarchy. The base class for this is the PageSource class, shown in abbreviated form:

abstract class PageSource {
  public transformedCode: string | null;

    private path: string,
    private fullPath: string,
  ) {
    this.transformedCode = this.transformCode(
      readFileSync(this.fullPath, 'utf-8'),

  protected transformCode(originalSource: string): string {
    return originalSource;

As you can see, page sources have a path, a fullPath and a transformedCode field. Not all page sources need a transformation of their source code, which is why the default implementation on the base class just returns the original source without doing any transformations.

The most important type of page source is “content”. A page source of this type leads to exactly one static HTML page being generated as build output. Content page sources can either be created in Markdown or in TypeScript and are represented by instances of the ContentPageSource class, also shown in abbreviated form:

class ContentPageSource extends PageSource {
  public frontmatter: ContentFrontmatterWithDefaults;

    path: string,
    fullPath: string,
    frontmatter: FrontmatterWithDefaults,
  ) {
    super(path, fullPath);
    this.frontmatter =
      frontmatter as ContentFrontmatterWithDefaults;

All types of page sources have one thing in common: You can use so-called “frontmatter” to specify meta data such as a title or a publication date in addition to the actual content. Depending on the type of page source, different frontmatter information is allowed, which is parsed from the source code and stored in the frontmatter field. For ContentPageSource, this is the only difference to the abstract base class.

Markdown page sources

For page sources that are written in Markdown, this is different. The Markdown code has to be parsed and converted into a Preact component. Markdown page sources are represented by instances of the MarkdownPageSource class, which looks like this:

class MarkdownPageSource extends ContentPageSource {
  public headings: Heading[] = [];

  protected transformCode(originalSource: string): string {
    return transformJsx(

  private transformMarkdown(
    markdownSource: string,
  ): string {
    // strip frontmatter from Markdown source
    // parse remaining Markdown into AST
    // convert Markdown AST into HTML AST
    // find all headings in HTML AST
    this.headings = headingsFromAST;
    // stringify HTML AST to HTML source
    // embed HTML source into a Preact component template
    // return Preact component string with included HTML

The headings and sub-headings of all markdown content sources are parsed and stored for later us. For example, they are injected as props into page layouts so that a table of contents or similar things can be implemented on the basis of this data.

However, my implementation had a problem. Headings were parsed and set, but upon inspection the headings field on a MarkdownPageSource was always empty.

Class field initialization order

Put simply, I was faced with the following problem, which I also addressed on Twitter because I wasn’t sure what was happening. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who found this confusing.

abstract class Base {
  constructor() {
  protected setHeadings(): void {}

class Extended extends Base {
  public headings: string[] = [];
  protected setHeadings(): void {
    this.headings = ['foo', 'bar'];

const instance = new Extended();

// logs [], expected ['foo', 'bar']

If you play around with the corresponding example in the TypeScript playground, you will see that the setHeadings method is called and the headings field is set accordingly. The compiled JavaScript source shows the order in which the parent constructor and the initialization of the class field are executed. On creation of a new Extended instance

  • The Extended constructor is called
    • The Base constructor is called
      • setHeadings is invoked and sets this.headings
    • this.headings is initialized to an empty array

This initialization order was not clear to me. Instead, I tried to implement a constructor myself, which swaps the order of calling the parent constructor and initializing headings to []:

class Extended extends Base {
  public headings: string[];

  constructor() {
    this.headings = [];

  protected setHeadings(): void {
    this.headings = ['foo', 'bar'];

Turns out it doesn’t work that way. If you take a look at the corresponding example in the TypeScript playground, it will show you a TypeScript error message: “super must be called before accessing this in the constructor of a derived class”. I rarely use classes in TypeScript and wasn’t aware of this. The TypeScript handbook says:

Just as in JavaScript, if you have a base class, you’ll need to call super() in your constructor body before using any this. members

The corresponding rules for classes from chapters and 9.2.2 of the EcmaScript specification can be summarized as follows

  • In a child class constructor, this cannot be used until super is called
  • class constructors MUST call super if they are subclasses, or they must explicitly return some object to take the place of the one that was not initialized

Class fields proposal for JavaScript

Since the EcmaScript standard defines that this can only be used in a child class constructor after super has been called, this is obviously not a pure TypeScript problem. The following source code in JavaScript can be executed in most of today’s runtime environments, but is invalid in terms of the current EcmaScript 2021 standard.

class Base {
  constructor() {
  setHeadings() {}

class Extended extends Base {
  headings = [];
  setHeadings() {
    this.headings = ['foo', 'bar'];

const instance = new Extended();

Since class fields are currently not part of the EcmaScript language standard, the order between the super call in an implicit constructor and the initialization of class fields of the child class is defined in the corresponding class fields propsal:

When field initializers are evaluated and fields are added to instances:

  • Base class: At the beginning of the constructor execution, even before parameter destructuring.
  • Derived class: Right after super() returns.

My solution

To deal with this initialization order, I added an initialize method to the abstract base class, which is supposed to be called after instantiating a PageSource and takes care of the transformation of the source code.

abstract class PageSource {
  public transformedCode: string | null = null;

    private path: string,
    private fullPath: string,
  ) {}

  public initialize(): void {
    this.transformedCode = this.transformCode(
      readFileSync(this.fullPath, 'utf-8'),

  protected transformCode(originalSource: string): string {
    return originalSource;

In Wilson, the PageSource class and subclasses are not exported directly. To create an instance of a page source a factory method called createPageSource is used. Therefore, it was comparatively easy for me to call initialize on the instances before returning them from the factory.

export const createPageSource = (
  path: string,
  fullPath: string,
  fm: FrontmatterWithDefaults,
): PageSourceType => {
  const constructorArgs: Parameters<
    typeof createPageSource
  > = [path, fullPath, frontmatter];

  let pageSource: PageSourceType;

  switch (frontmatter.type) {
    case 'content':
      pageSource =
        extname(fullPath) === '.md'
          ? new MarkdownPageSource(...constructorArgs)
          : new ContentPageSource(...constructorArgs);
    // cases handling other page types

  return pageSource;

I’m neither convinced that this is a very elegant solution, nor did I think about alternatives much. It solved my problem and I’ve got more things to find out working on the project.

How do you deal with this? Let me know if you have alternative suggestions!

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About the author

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Software engineer building for the web since 1996. User group organiser, open source maintainer and Director UI Engineering at smartclip.

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